
Inventory Manager

A web app built with Next.js and Materials-UI. Allows a user to add and remove items from their inventory, and keep track of their quantities. User can also add items with images, which Google's gemini pro vision api identifies objects from.

An iOS app that helps you keep track of the progress in your garden. Pages include a main home dashboard that displays plant health and growth progress, a search page where you can add more plants to your garden, and a notes page to save any additional information. Made with UIKit and Swift.


An iOS app that presents you with a Quran verse based on the mood you are feeling.

Convio On The Web

A web app for a multiplayer card game that can be played with up to 8 players. Made with Node.js and React.js.

Memory game

A simple single-page memory game related to sound and color. Made with Javascript, HTML and CSS.

Twitter Clone

An iOS app clone for twitter that allows you to tweet, retweet, and like tweets on twitter. Made with UIKit and Swift, using Twitter's public API.